What is "inappropriate shoes" ?? Were they all wearing stilettos?

Quote Originally Posted by Hamtragedy View Post
I was driving back from a customer's house on Cadillac Blvd last month, and as I drove by the Packard Plant, I noticed about 20 kids on bikes, most with inappropriate shoes, on the Blvd in front of the plant. I also noticed a fire-truck about to turn left from northbound Mt. Elliot to the fire house farther on down the Blvd. Two guys in the fire-truck spotted the crowd, which cut across traffic to turn right.

I pulled up in the O'nasty's Coney parking lot and watched as two fire-fighters got out of the truck, probably to read the kids the "riot-act," which I'm sure was something like "you best not go in there, we don't want to have to come and get you, and if you do go in there and see a fire, don't call us."