From what I am reading and hearing, people blame Detroit's crime on the Police, or lack thereof. The Police [[and I mean the ones on the streets) are limited as to what they can and cannot do. The police are the workers who do as they are told, to be where they need to be, to sit, stand, walk or guard. Godbee said last April regarding the 33 new recruits who graduated from the academy that he was going to put them to work immediately....I wish LeDuff would ask him where they all are today?

The Police on the streets have certain discretionary powers, they are required to make an arrest for certain crimes, such as murders, felonies, domestic violence, and DUI but the rest is left up to the discretion of the officer. However, once the arrest has been made and the thug is in jail or custody, then it's up to the judges to decide whether or not to keep them.

This guy, Ra-Ra, is a perfect example. He has absolutely nothing to lose because it's been shown time and time again that he can hurt or murder people and he is immune to justice. He would no more think twice about shooting a police officer than I would to stomp a spider.

All this talk from Bing and Godbee about lack of funds is a bunch of bull pucky. When a City can spend $65,000 on an 8 year old Dodge Intrepid lease and think nothing of it, and is losing $4 million a year on other car leases, how can they justify to the people that there just isn't any money? How can Bing hire a CFO at about $225,000/yr and have that same CFO turn around and say "there is no money"....a bunch of hypocrits.