His father was a legal giant, U.S. District Court, U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, Solicitor General of the United States, argued 25 cases in the U.S. Supreme Court, 12th in his class at Harvard Law School, Professor at UM Law at the end of his career. That's a pretty big shadow for the son to live in. Kind of sad, but I bet he gets out of it, unless the Bailiff has more dirt than that he sent this picture.

What I always found puzzling is that his father founded Friends School after his sister was rejected by another private school after they realized she was black; I think McCree III went to Friends; Friends' major fundraising event is named after the father and McCree III is a big promoter of the event, but he did not send his son to Friends -- the son went to Chrysler at least when my kids were there a few years ago. I always thought that was weird.