Quote Originally Posted by nain rouge View Post
But I didn't {s}ay that. I have nothing against stocks, for example.
Ahh... but mutual funds are corporations. As a shareholder you can attend their board meetings too, and share in their profits and appreciation. Just what do you know about the entire financial system that you're defending... outside of precious metals ETFs, that is?

Quote Originally Posted by nain rouge View Post
Can I exchange my shares in a gold ETF for physical gold? No. Yet, I'm told that a gold ETF is a great way for me to invest in gold. That, to me, makes no sense. Places like the Bank of New York Mellon get the real stuff while I'm left with a piece of funny paper that can only be exchanged for paper money.
Well, you can always call your broker and short sell ETFs if you're convinced they're funny paper. If they're a scam you sell high and buy low, making money by betting against them, right? Enough people apparently disagree with your theory that they're a scam, though, that their prices so far very accurately reflect variations in the price of the precious metals that they hold. Have you got any evidence that your scam theory is correct, or is it just a gut feeling? Oh, well, you don't need evidence to trade. Got a hunch, bet a bunch! See what happens to your paper money...

Quote Originally Posted by nain rouge View Post
With the passion you argue with, I feel like you must have some vested interest in this topic besides wanting to see the DIA succeed. You must stand to profit in some way. Care to share?
Three posts and you're already questioning motives? You and your feelings!

Seriously, you can check the archives for my past posts if you'd like to see what I've already shared on that. Or, you can stick around a while, let me decide whether I think you're a sockpuppet, and if so, whose. If you're legit, I may share again. In the meantime, you're dealing in a lot of feelings rather than facts. Given the bias that keeps coming up in your feelings, are YOU disinterested, or is the Founders Society paying you to help extract millions more in property taxes from the Tri-County Region? They don't call it the Trilateral Commission for nuthin', y'know. Can't be too careful.