Quote Originally Posted by professorscott View Post
Well, let's see. Detroit's only options are a consent agreement, emergency manager or municipal bankruptcy.

Mr. Davis seems determined to block a consent agreement or an emergency manager, so his goal seems to be to force Detroit into a municipal bankruptcy.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, would be worse for the union employees who work for the people of Detroit than a municipal bankruptcy. So calling Mr. Davis a "union activist" seems ironic. He is working very hard to make absolutely sure the union employees of Detroit are put into the worst possible position.

As for the actual question on the thread - is this better or worse for Detroit - it actually doesn't matter. Most of the same things will happen, and soon, whether they are imposed on the City by a consent agreement, by an emergency manager, or by a trustee of the court in bankruptcy. All the smoke and flash about what is best, or destroying democracy, or any of the other noise being made, is all just posturing.
I see all these signs at the meetings saying "VOTE NO". I want to bring a big sign that says, "If you VOTE NO, then WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?"

My frustration at the process is quickly superseded by the knowledge that in less than 8 weeks, all these foolish notions of racist motivations will be eclipsed by an empty bank account.

And when that happens, I hope that Lansing says, "We also VOTE NO. Your move."