It's sad.

There have been people who have shown up in support of a state intervention, however, they are treated most harshly by the crowd.

I once spoke out at a Warren city council meeting about a subject. I was one of the few sane people that wanted to shut down an old outdoor pool that had a temporary dome put on it during winter. The pool was used by few, but cost tons of money.

When I came up to the microphone and stated my opinion I got booed, harassed, and interrupted. A sitting council person even questioned me about how long I lived in the city [[because I was in my mid-20s at the time).

These people at this meeting are probably not representative of the majority of people in Detroit. However, through their uncivilized behavior they've created an atmosphere where the only opinions that can be stated are their own. That is the democracy they want, the one where only they get to speak and all others are drowned out and threatened.

Don't let these people anger you, the vast majority of folks want solutions, the minority of folks want to shout, stir, and whine.