Quote Originally Posted by aoife View Post
Sorry, but that is ridiculous. I lived in GR for most of my life, and it is no more a dutch majority than Detroit is. They all moved out to the suburbs years ago. The city is incredibly diverse. I would wager they are more diverse than Detroit if we are simply looking beyond "black and white." I get why people have that opinion though- they never bothered to learn otherwise. Like people who claim Detroit is one big Thunderdome based on its reputation from the 1980s.
As DN said, I was going after the general demographics.... and as for Detroit's reputation in that era [[1980s)... the neighborhoods were actually in much much better condition [[with a FEW exceptions) than they are today... The mortgage meltdown is quickly decimating some of Detroit's more stable neighborhoods at an alarming rate, while the downtown and Midtown are in better shape today than they were then. But New Center was in better shape in the 80s than today.