After decades of donating money to channel 56 my mother finally cut them off a couple of years ago over just this issue. After a couple of weeks every few months of seeing nothing but self-help snake oil salesmen getting what is essentially free ad time, and the umpteenth rerun of the same 10 year old tape of the superannuated geriatrics of doo-wop, she'd finally had enough.

She did go to the trouble to actually write the general manager and board members a letter telling them exactly why she wasn't going to be giving them any money for things she absolutely had no interest in watching, that often insulted the intelligence of their viewers, and which had pretty much no relationship to the actual mission of public television.

The blithering, self-serving, and wholly clueless response she got in return was almost beyond belief. It was like they felt that she owed them her money no matter what sort of crap they broadcast. Needless to say, she hasn't given them a dime since.