Wonderful video! Emery Gulash was a very talented and dedicated photographer. He passed away a few years ago, but I had the opportunity to meet him as he also took photos of Great Lakes Freighters.
His latest book of still photographs of trains in and out of Detroit will be published this June and I have already reserved my copy.

My Dad rode the Grand Trunk on the Birmingham-Detroit run quite often, and I had my share of rides with him when I was a kid. It was very popular and even had a club car for the commuters returning to their homes after a busy work day in downtown Detroit. The GT was one of the last railroads to convert from steam engines to diesels. Dad knew some of the conductors so I was able to get an occasional boost and got to stand in the cab of the steam engine as the train sat in the Birmingham station before the whistle sounded prior to continuing its run to Pontiac.