Perhaps one of the best lines I ever heard come out of the corridor was "the only good junkie is a dead junkie", which is, needless to say, a little harsh.

I know personally some who "reigned supreme" the Cass Corridor in the 90's. When "hair-wan" became available in nose-candy form in the 90's, all bets were off as to heroin being a slum only drug. Suburbanites sought it out frequently, and when that high wudn't enough, shootin' it was right behind.

The Cass Corridor was notorious for breeding lost souls, and "hare-on" didn't let several of its victims out. Bodies in dumpsters, including those of suburbanites were frequent, cuz nobody wanted to be the ones gettin busted when their friend OD'd. I know a few who flagged dates to support their habits. Others broke into people's houses and stole stupid shit, cuz a bunch of cd's must be worth something.

I also know people who were able to get out, amid much rehab and support, and are productive members of society, two of them post-graduate degree holders, but they continue helping other addicts along the way to overcome their addictions The recidivism rate for the junk is still an astounding 90-plus percent for those that live to tell about it. And kids are still hitting the Cass Corridor lookin for it.