Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
This is exciting. I hope it doesn't put the local dailies out of business though. LOL!

Under "Welcome to DetroitYES!," "toics" should be "topics," "assesses" should be "assess" and "smart default algorithm" should be just "smart algorithm" IMHO.

Is this based on some similar technology being developed elsewhere or is it an attempt to strike out on your own to create something entirely new? If the latter, this is really exciting!
Yikes proof-reading has never been my strong suite so allow me to pull out my old defense. "It's a mighty poor mind that can spell a word only one way." [Andrew Jackson] Thanks for pointing that out!

This is not based on any technology that I am aware of but the WWWeb has taught me that there are often a lot of people thinking about the same things at the same time.

To me the technology is secondary. The WWWeb, I've learned, is far more about sociology than technology -- understand the sociology and the technological solution becomes apparent and directed. After that is just a matter of code, albeit very difficult code.

This idea arose from a genuine curiosity as to what would be anointed as the 'news' if the patterns of interest and actions of a large informed audience were weighed and measured.

It will always be a work in progress and unforeseen issues are probably guaranteed. So far, however, I find what rises to the top is interesting and often surprising.