I just love those relatives from the old country and the way they spoke.
My aunt Colombia was telling us a story about the kids in the park.
She told us that they all were Tubacooning.
When she was asked what is Tubacooning?
She replied, Tubacooning, Tubacooning, Tubacooning while make a sliding motion with her hands which left all of us very puzzled.
My mother finally figured it out, Colombia was telling us about the kids in the park Tobogganing.
Just love all those people and their kids from the "old country" who we knew as uncle, aunts and cousins who were not related to us in the slightest except as life long friends.
So next time you may go tobogganing, remember to yell Tubacoonie as you go down the hill, Colombia would get a big kick out of that as we did in her many broken stories she told.