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  1. #51
    detmich Guest


    Maybe CC just hits a nerve, sometimes the truth hurts.

  2. #52
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    Maybe CC just hits a nerve, sometimes the truth hurts.
    He certainly hits a nerve, my last good one.

    However, the truth, as he sees it, has nothing to do with it.

    It's just amazing given all the evidence that any and all things right wing are a failure, and doomed to the ash can of history, he keeps flogging the dead pony.

    He fancies himself as another Don Quixote.

  3. #53


    Boy - this is an interesting dialog. At least Cc has invoked a dynamic thread for better or worse.

  4. #54


    from Merriam Webster online:


    Main Entry: de·lu·sion Pronunciation: \di-ˈlü-zhən, dē-\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin delusion-, delusio, from deludere Date: 15th century 1: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded2 a: something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b: a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

    from merriam-webster online medical:

    Main Entry: para·noia Pronunciation: \ˌpar-ə-ˈnȯi-ə\ Function: noun 1 : a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations 2 : a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others

  5. #55
    detmich Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    He fancies himself as another Don Quixote.
    That is way emergent, so Escher- he fancies himself to be an imaginary guy that he is not who also fancies himself to be an imaginary guy that he is not. wild.

  6. #56
    Ravine Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    No harm if you like trolls. Most people don't.

    It's the arrogant smugness that sets people off, though the repeated implications that "libs" are all stupid and brainwashed isn't exactly warm and fuzzy.
    OK, I'll buy that. Nobody likes smugness. But, it runs through this forum like Woodward used to run through downtown, and it turns me off strongly enough that I don't come around here much, any more. But it doesn't hurt.
    As for the latter matter, well, doesn't the "other side" freely & repeatedly imply that "cons" and "republicrites" are all full of hate, get all of their thoughts from right-wing radio hosts, and are just a hair's-breadth away from goose-stepping?
    Of course, the fact that both sides behave that way doesn't make it OK that either side behaves that way. It's like, y'know, so third-grade.
    But, that characteristic sure as hell doesn't make Cc stand out from this crowd.
    Last edited by Ravine; June-09-09 at 01:07 PM.

  7. #57


    How many of us on here considers themselves middle-of-the road ? It seems the most vocal posters are far to the right [[or left), of center.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigb23 View Post
    How many of us on here considers themselves middle-of-the road ? It seems the most vocal posters are far to the right [[or left), of center.
    I think most of us are to the left or right of center. Also some libertarians on here as well. Those folks generally provide links to reputable sources to back there arguments. The RW generally don't provide links to anything worthwhile just repeat talking points and doctored and/or taken out of context you tube videos.

  9. #59


    i'm a radical pragmatist -- if something works to benefit the larger number of people, good. if it benefits a small number at the expense of many, bad

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigb23 View Post
    How many of us on here considers themselves middle-of-the road ? It seems the most vocal posters are far to the right [[or left), of center.
    The RW considers anyone who is opposed to free trade to be a liberal, [[I support fair trade) Defense [[I consider pre-emptive attacks, undeclared wars and occupations to be wrong) The war on terror [[I consider Islamic extremists to have the same agenda as RW extremists, that being each others genocide) Unfettered capitalism [[I consider monopolistic global corporate capitalism needing strict government regulation) Tax cuts for the wealthy and big business [[I believe tax cuts no longer create jobs that will remain or even begin here in the US, due to the global economy, but am in favor of temporary tax cuts and incentives/support to small US based businesses) Abortion [[I am opposed to abortion, but do not believe that I have the right to force my opposition to it upon anyone else) Entitlements [[I believe that any able-bodied adult receiving welfare should be required to earn at least some of it through community service work, until they find employment, otherwise SS, SSD, SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid should be supported and continue) Health care [[ I believe that affordable, quality health care is every US citizens' RIGHT, and not a privilege. Gay marriage [[I am in favor of legal same sex unions)

    If the above makes me a leftist socialist, then that is what I am.
    Last edited by Flanders; June-09-09 at 03:22 PM.

  11. #61


    There has never been an instance where tax cuts for the wealthiest can be tied to job growth. The opposite, however, can be seen just by looking at the US economy after Reagan's tax cuts

  12. #62
    ccbatson Guest


    Flanders, all of your premises are wrong.

    1. True fair trade is free trade.
    2. Pre-emptive attacks? We have made none. It happens that certain circumstances, ongoing nonmilitary attacks on our interests/freedom could warrant pre-emptive military attacks.
    3. Desiring to defeat terrorists who commit acts of war against us [[first) is not genocide.
    4. True capitalism happily includes the possibility of monopolies based on superior performance, but always subject to competition at such time that a competitor can make a viable challenge. What is criminal is coercive government/state sponsored monopolies.
    5. Tax cuts are only necessary when government over steps its' constitutional and democratically ratified boundaries. Taxes are supposed to be voluntary in exchange for services that only a government can provide.
    6. Abortion is killing a potential human life [[that is why you oppose it). Imposing your will? Than murder should also be legalized. It is a matter of legal deception whereby potential human life is relegated to the status of nonviable tissue masses [[their words, not mine).
    7. Able bodied adults do not need welfare. Providing it is a self fulfilling prophecy discouraging achievement.
    8. Health care is no more a right that others should supply than is food or shelter. That said, we find a way to provide our own necessities when it is not provided for us. In the process of this market based approach, costs are controlled and quality is high.
    9. Gay marriage is fine so long as it is not an expansion of entitlement benefits. What a person does in their private life, so long as it is legal [[ie, doesn't harm, or infringe on anyone else's rights), is nobody else's business.

    So, if you correct your premises, and then weigh in on the side of these liberal ideologies, also realizing that this is the road to collectivism/socialism/marxism....a miserable state of being, then yes, at that point, you would sadly be considered a leftist/socialist.

  13. #63
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
    That is way emergent, so Escher- he fancies himself to be an imaginary guy that he is not who also fancies himself to be an imaginary guy that he is not. wild.

    Just add a mirror, and stir.

  14. #64
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Flanders, all of your premises are wrong.

    1. True fair trade is free trade.
    2. Pre-emptive attacks? We have made none. It happens that certain circumstances, ongoing nonmilitary attacks on our interests/freedom could warrant pre-emptive military attacks.
    3. Desiring to defeat terrorists who commit acts of war against us [[first) is not genocide.
    4. True capitalism happily includes the possibility of monopolies based on superior performance, but always subject to competition at such time that a competitor can make a viable challenge. What is criminal is coercive government/state sponsored monopolies.
    5. Tax cuts are only necessary when government over steps its' constitutional and democratically ratified boundaries. Taxes are supposed to be voluntary in exchange for services that only a government can provide.
    6. Abortion is killing a potential human life [[that is why you oppose it). Imposing your will? Than murder should also be legalized. It is a matter of legal deception whereby potential human life is relegated to the status of nonviable tissue masses [[their words, not mine).
    7. Able bodied adults do not need welfare. Providing it is a self fulfilling prophecy discouraging achievement.
    8. Health care is no more a right that others should supply than is food or shelter. That said, we find a way to provide our own necessities when it is not provided for us. In the process of this market based approach, costs are controlled and quality is high.
    9. Gay marriage is fine so long as it is not an expansion of entitlement benefits. What a person does in their private life, so long as it is legal [[ie, doesn't harm, or infringe on anyone else's rights), is nobody else's business.

    So, if you correct your premises, and then weigh in on the side of these liberal ideologies, also realizing that this is the road to collectivism/socialism/marxism....a miserable state of being, then yes, at that point, you would sadly be considered a leftist/socialist.
    Back at ya, Batts, wrong again on so many levels, where does one begin?

    1. Free trade has NEVER been fair trade. Nafta and Cafta have been disasters for America. Tarrif based economies are best, and we should have preserved our manufacturing base by raising tarrifs on imports of all kinds which compete with American industry, as we had done for decades before Regan destroyed it.

    2. Iraq was a pre-emptive war of choice, for oil. There is no further discussion on this.

    3. It is genocide to kill any group of people without declaring war.
    4. What is criminal, as we are living through now, is lack of government regulation on capital markets. What we get is the collapse of our economy, which is yet another topic where there is no further discussion.

    5. Taxes are mandatory, last time I checked. What is criminal is corporate welfare, and the allowance by repugnican controlled congresses and white houses of off-shore tax evasion havens for American corporations wishing to not pay taxes.
    6. Abortion is legal. It is medically necessary in nearly all cases to save the life of the mother. Late term abortions are never done lightly, and are almost always due to medical complications. No one is pro-abortion, only pro-abortion rights, this the right wing loves to stir the pot with heavy handed rhetoric, which has resulted in them losing this culture war. Why, tell me, with a republican christian fundamentalist in the white house, and a majority republican congress and majority right wing supreme court wasn't Roe v. Wade overturned in six years? They don't want to because having Roe out there as a boogey man gets more votes than not having it. It's the gift that keeps on giving, which only proves Repugnicans are hypocrites, if they so strongly believed in overturning Roe, they would have done it by now.

    7. And who determines who's able bodied? Able minded? What if you were able to work, but had to care for elderly parents, because your crappy private health insurance wouldn't pay for home health care? Or a nursing home? Get a grip.

    8. Health in a civilized society is a birthright. That is the case in all industrialized nations except America. Cradle to grave health care, quality care, is the norm for Europe, and in many parts of the far east, and South America. If you don't have a healthy workforce, you have less capitalism. Why wouldn't such red-blooded capitalists be in favor of the government providing health care? They would lose their argument that legacy costs were killing their productivity, that's why. Without the boogey man of built-in health care and retiree costs, corporations would have to go searching for another excuse to crap on their workers.

    9. Gay marriage- here we have some agreement. Constitutionally there is no argument against it. Legally there is no argument against it. As long as all legal rights bestowed a straight married couple are extended to gay couples, then we have a level playing field. And they have to be recognized as having equal rights in all states as well. Wills, taxation, tax benefits, inheritance, medical decisions, all inclusive.

    You say your screed emphasizes "liberal" ideals- what kind of joke is that? Nothing you mentioned could be termed liberal. You need a crash course in humanism.

  15. #65


    ""2. Iraq was a pre-emptive war of choice, for oil. There is no further discussion on this.
    Please quote some legit sources for this.""

    That's just the problem, there are no credible sources for any truthful information regarding our invasion of Iraq. Cite one, and please no lies from the Bush administration. We're there, 100k have died and nobody knows why. Inexcusable.

  16. #66


    Has anyone ever met the real Cc Bats? I think of Cc as a he/she/it thingy out there in the ethernet just grinning away and shining people on. We've never seen or met he/she/it, correct? Please don't let me down and say that Cc is for real.

  17. #67


    Quote: "You have no proof "

    The truth will eventually come out though. 6 Year military operation, A few trillion wasted, the reason will eventually surface.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Has anyone ever met the real Cc Bats? I think of Cc as a he/she/it thingy out there in the ethernet just grinning away and shining people on. We've never seen or met he/she/it, correct? Please don't let me down and say that Cc is for real.
    His profile had his picture on it for a day or two before he made it private.

    Sorry for letting you down, 1KD...

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by xstigmatax View Post
    Like it or not you have no proof besides far left talkers and conspiracy experts. Stop being a left wing sheep and look at both sides. Besides the state that you live in has its senate controlled by the right. Like it or not.
    there is plenty of proof that the war in Iraq was a war of choice, and a pre-emptive war as well. Hell, even the bushies actually acknowledged that from the start

  20. #70
    ccbatson Guest


    I never had my picture up....remember, others were playing with things when my identity was stolen.

    Anyway...yea, I am real, and I am a very straight talker...what you see is what you get.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by xstigmatax View Post
    You prove my point. Stop acting like a left wing sheep and blaming things on Oil and other random BS people like Ed Schultz spew. You have no proof so don't try to use something like this as leverage.
    How is that any different than ditto heads parroting BS talking points from Rush, Hannity, Ingrim, and the rest of the right?

  22. #72
    Lorax Guest


    Geez, what short memories the fascist right has, here's some proof that Iraq was a war for oil.

    What are the only stable, protected areas in Iraq?

    The oil fields.

    Who's protecting them? We are.

    The organization of Bush cronies who are in control of oil refining, shipping and distribution, namely Halliburton and Bechtel, and with assistance from oil companies such as BP, Shell, Exxon, Unocal etc, purposely saw to it that the oil and natural gas pipelines being built through Afghanistan were disrupted long enough to start this war in Iraq.

    Big oil prefers shipping from Iraq, and saw an opportunity in chaos created by the invasion to steal the oil.


    It'a amazing to me when the evidence is all around you, many still don't want to believe oil had something to do with our invasion of Iraq. There was no other reason. Period.

    Not national security, not WMD, not bringing "democracy" to Iraq, not because terrorists flooded into Iraq only after we invaded, and not because Saddam was a bad guy.

    All of these revolving reasons were smokescreen, and not very convincing smokescreen to confuse the American electorate into believing a lie.

    Seemingly only the KoolAid drinking right wingnuts were eating up the lies offered by the Tushies.

    If you care to do the research, I remember seeing Bush on the TV mentioning how we'll benefit from lower oil prices as a result of getting control of the oil fields in Iraq.

    Cheney was former head of Halliburton, which received the no-bid contracts to pump, refine, and ship the oil. Already a violation of war profiteering laws. But, as we know, the Tushies never let a law get in the way of a good rape or pillage.

    Halliburton eventually moved it's HQ from Texas to Dubai to avoid having to pay US taxes, and to avoid any lawsuits that may result from 8 years of sucking dry the oil fields of Iraq on behalf of the Bush Administration.

    They are now an entity of the UAE, and are immune from prosecution, it's executives immune to prosecution in US courts.

    And this is OK with conservatives who are about as unAmerican as it gets.

  23. #73
    ccbatson Guest


    I, for one, never denied that oil is critical to our interests in the Middle East. Why? Umm, because it is??

  24. #74
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    I, for one, never denied that oil is critical to our interests in the Middle East. Why? Umm, because it is??
    I'm proud of you- finally, an admission of truth.

  25. #75
    ccbatson Guest


    Finally? How about always?

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