Gistok is right, so are many of you. However, Tiger Stadium, as I stated before had it's future written several years earlier when Comerica Park was announced. The time for action should have been then.

TS had been butchered over the years, and did not have any appreciable visual quality left. It was built simply, stripped down in style, and wasn't ever a beautiful ball park like Fenway or Wrigley Field.

NYC will allow Yankee Stadium to fall, and it is much more intresting a building than TS was.

If memory and nostalgia are the prerequisites here, then Hudson's was the most important building in Detroit. Why was this demolition allowed? No building in Detroit had as much a connection to Detroiters of all ages and races.

There is nothing wrong with a modern, well appointed ball park. TS was replaced with something better than what came before. We can't say the same for Hudson's, or the rest of Detroit's missing landmarks.