No street smarts? That's not a good way to start things.

As aforementioned, the vacant land isn't there for no reason. It's there because everybody left and most everything left standing was burned/demolished.

The better neighborhoods have little or no vacant land because people still live there because they're still livable, such as the near Northwest Side, East English Village, Indian Village, etc.

If you were to pick a mostly vacant area then North Corktown is probably your best bet. Largely vacant but mostly just old timers. Quiet.

Living alone isn't a great idea either, if only because the bad guys will pick up on your movement patterns and rob you blind while you're out. Get a roommate or get to know your neighbors. North Corktown is okay because they fall under the Corktown Residents Association. Those are important; nearly all the in-tact neighborhoods have active associations. You absolutely must get to know your neighbors, and you're better off where there are homeowners, even if they're elderly or poor, instead of transcient renters. No man is an island, and you better not think you can survive as one in Detroit.

Lots of people still do what you are looking to do, though. Brother Nature farm is in North Corktown, for example. No one does it alone though.