So what is there to do in order to get something done? I'm not about to sit back behind this keyboard and complain for years, like most on Detroityes. Money is an issue, but if every Midtown resident and businesses donate money, supplies, and man-power I think it can be done without taxing or other intities. The resident of Midtown will come together to create a concept, costs, maintanence, construction [[if possible)..theres no infrastructure in the concept area, but trash and crack addicts. Zoning may be a concern, that's about it..I believe?

I want to come together and have a public meeting in Midtown soon to discuss more, if your interested or know any specific steps in order to make this happen contact me :

We can use re-claimed wood for benches or other playground equipment, contact Lowes or Home Depot to see if they can donate anything. I'm going to call Greening of Detroit to see if they can donate trees, shrubs, evergreens, flowers..etc

There's plenty of designer's [[including me), architect's, gardner's..etc that are resident of Midtown who would'nt mind helping this come to fruitions. It's a start..