Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
It's a downright travesty that suburbanites can only share the benefits of the big city but with only half the costs while actual residents must pay twice as much to share the benefits AND burden.
No other community in metro Detroit charges it residents or workers an income tax. The city of Warren, where I live, doesn't have an income tax. We benefit by taxing businesses via property tax.

I just don't think an income tax is needed.

The main issue with Detroit's budget is spending is out of control. Departments have bad management, are inefficiently structured, technology isn't addressing issues, and also, labor contracts are out of control.

Let's get unions on board with making benefits more comparable to the private sector, or alternatively, if unions don't want to be a part of the process we can explore savings via privatization.

But like I said, I fully acknowledge and advertise that my opinion as a suburbanite working in Detroit, that I am biased.