I applaud what he is trying to do. It sometimes seems that we keep our old historic homes , a part of Detroit History, with little help from the powers to be in the City. If we older owners, folks who bought there houses, before historic tax zones had the same tax break as folks who bought after 2001+, living here would not be so much a financial challenge.

When you have an area like Boston-Edison or PalmerWoods, where a 5,500 sq ft. home bought in 1985 for $ 100,000. has property taxes of $ 12,000. Another house bought for $ 250,000, with 9,500 sq ft. has a property tax of $ 6,700.

If you want to preserve the great houses and the architectural gems of the early part of the twentieth century, There has to be incentive to restore and maintain, our Associations are doing their best. But a little help from the COD who treats us, with a little respect.

Enough Said!