Hello jdayer and thank you for the update ,please do not think that this is directed towards you personally but I find it very disappointing historically that this has gone down as it has.

To sum it up ,currant owners have used taxpayers monies to acquire funding to achieve what they currently have and the first thing they want to do is stick the sign up said taxpayers rear.
It had to get to the point of attorneys involved? Do they not realize that they will need future funding? Do they really want to burn that bridge or sign so to speak?

Why? Is the sign so much in their way?

One more time why is it so difficult to give something back to those who got you started the really sad part is they did not even give anybody a chance to offer alternatives.just stick it on ebay with no consideration to local historic objectives common sense would have dictated a call to the historical society for a chance for solutions verses forcing them to divert funds from other needs . They found funds for a robo cop nobody thought about a sign fund? or I guess it was just decided to remove it point blank and judging by the estimate of 30k to remove said sign somebody was trying to put a nice little chunk of change in thier pocket.