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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    You answered 29 out of 33 correctly — 87.88 %

  2. #27


    Detroitej72... I too got your score...

    When I saw the comment about what "college Professors" got... It set of a small warning bell... then did some reasearch on the folks doing this survey... and surprise surprise... it's an conservative group.... well that at least explains their comments about college professors. Although I wonder how many history and civics professors [[or some of the armchair "experts" on this forum) remember how to solve their college math or storybook physics problems....

  3. #28


    20 out of 33...60.61%

  4. #29


    Here's what I know about the history of the U.S. Government:

    1. From 1776 to 1900 U.S. Congress debate to have Native American Tribes to live off the land in reservations and don't pay taxes. Otherwise let them live on claimed land with a house, farm and surplies and pay taxes. The result: the government give Native Americans a mantra warning. Either you put away your teepees, bows and arrows to live with the white man's land or we will put you all into reservations. Failure to comply will have them all killed. So some Native Americans live on the white man's land and pay their taxes. Others live on reservations and do their customs.

    2. From 1776 to 1860 U.S. Congress debate about the use of negro slaves; especially in the southern states. Some say slaves are 1/3 human and should remain as domesticated pets. Othere say the negroes are not slaves, but human beings and should be freed. That long debate cause our nation to split. The Union and Confederates fought in the American Civil War, the north won, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, negroes are free [[but not giving any civil rights) Southern whites formed the Klu Kux Klan, Jim Crow Laws were established and more civil right protest and race riots loomed.

    3. From 1890s to the present U.S. Congress debated about upcoming corporate greed and how to regulate to degragulate certian monopolies:
    The result is More monopoly laws were established, government committees asking folks from G.E. Westinghouse, Radio Corporation of America, and later Monsato and other automobile companies to work for them by means of 'Capture Theory'. The Government gave corporations the same rights to be treated as human beings more results to bailout of billions of dollars. Corporate contributions to politicians for their favors today we called Plutomony and Kleptocracy.

    4. From 1917 to present U.S Congress debated to install a Liberty Bond Act. To get people to buy war bonds and get more money back. This would allow the U.S. Treasury to borrow more money from public companies and corporations through certian taxations and investment ventures. A debt limit would be in place to keep the U.S. Treasury from borrowling and spending more money. The result is creation of public and interntional debt that would last forever! A possible lowing the U.S. credit rating, A possible credit loan default would lead to absolute bankruptcy. Most services like Food Stamps, welfare checks, medicare, medicaid, veterans benefits, section 8 subsidize housing, national park services, military benefits and yes Supplemental Security Income and Social Security will be cut off and the rest of world ecomony will be in shambles!

    5. From 1933 to 1941 U.S. Congress debated with President Franklin Roosevelt to end the Great Depression be issuing ' The New Deal' to install government work programs for the unemployed, The Federal Deposit Insurance Committee to issue money back to the people's bank accounts up to $100,000. Install the Social Security, SSI, Welfare Act and Food Stamp Act of 1935 to suplement those who can't find work. The result lead to stagerant job creation, limits to welfare and food stamp funding to states. This would cause states to set certian laws and limits of those who had assistance programs.

    6. From 1930 to 1968 to present. U.S. Congress debate to set up a socialist radio program call National Public Radio to get people to listing to shows created by amateur nobodies who one day become somebodies. Later congress ask The Ford Motor Company and Rockefellers The National Science Foundation to create National Eductional Television later became Public Broadcasting Systems. This socialist program will assist public televisions stations along with ' viewers like you' to bring educational shows to people of all ages and color with non-commercial programming. This would lead to the creation of the Children's Television Workshop and Jim Henson creation of sapient puppets with no strings called 'Muppets' This is lead to creation of Sesame Street which it broke the eductional gap between the rich and the poor. The result: The Republicans want to cut funding to PBS. People will have to donate more money or esle PBS will be off the air for good. So PBS have to ask corporations to reach into their greedy pockets and contribute. This would lead to pre-commercial programming before the non-commercial programming.

    7. In 1950 to 1958 U.S. Congress agreed with Sen J.P. McCarthy to start a witch hunt to find would be communists or those who worked pr supported for the Soviet Union. The communists would be arrested, jailed and taken to Washington D.C. to be question in front of House of Un-American Committee. Then communitst individuals would be blacklisted and possibly deported to any communist nation [[ if they're immgrants) or never work in America again. The result would lead to people questioned their government and rest of society. This would lead to hippie and flower children counterculture movement.

    8. From 1950 to 1953 to present U.S. Congress debated to end communist takeover of all of Korea. So the sent some troops to kill Korean communists along with their Soviet and Chinese allies. The result as a truce that split Korea into two. The Communist North Korea and Democratic-Republic South Korea. The war is not over yet.

    9. From 1952 to 1965 U.S. Congress debated whether segreagation in most southern states should be unconstitutional. The result is Dr. Martin Luther King's non-violent protest that led to the signing of the Civil Rights Bill of 1965 and Malcolm X's 'let's blame the white man' protest speeches. The assassination of both of them led to race riots in most U.S. cities, uprising of Black Panther Party and other African Liberation Armies in the 1970s which later died to the flow of crack, heroine and marijuana flowing from rich communities to the ghettoes of every last inner cities in the America. Which lead to the slow collapse of African American families and single black women getting fast on black men, have sex, make babies and crying to state, other social service agencies for welfare checks, WIC and food stamps. This also lead to black men slowly turning away black women who are too fast and looking at white women for slow love.

    10. From 1963 to 1973 U.S. Congress and President John F. Kennedy debated to sent to troops to Vietnam to end communist takeover of the Vietnamese people. The result is more American troops are being killed more in the thick jungles, The formation of the Hippie and Flower Children movement begin. Which led to yuppie movement and the development of personal computers, cell phones and social networking sties. Congress still denies that the Vietnam War is not justified for our country.

    11. From 1979 to 1980 U.S. Congress debated with Governor of Michigan Milliken and Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Young and CEO of the Chysler Corporation to create a Chrysler Loan Guarantee Act of 1979 to end Chysler's banrkuptcy and further collapsing Detroit's automobile industry. The result Chrylers creditors gave their monies to the companies in return for consessions and profits. If Chrysler fails the government would pay back the money out of taxpayer's expense [[ This is considered to be the first bailout of corporations). The plan worked. Chrysler is doing good on its profits, its creditors got their money back. The result the matter is the destruction of Poletown in Detroit's East Side near the Hamtramck Border for the Dodge Main Plant in 1980 and the sucess of the first Sports Utility Vehicle called the Dodge Caravan in 1983. This is would lead to furture corporate bailouts from Wall Street, banks and automobile corporations. I'm glad Ford didn't jump in.
    Last edited by Danny; October-27-11 at 10:40 AM.

  5. #30


    From 1984 to 1988 U.S. Congress agreed with Texes Senator Charlie Wilson to load supplies of our military gear to Aghanistan to assist the Mujihadeen headed by Osama bin-Laden to defeat the Soviets during their invasion of their homeland. The Aghanis had our weapons and the Soviets started to retreat. The result Osama bin-Laden started his terrorist network called Al-Qaida and made plots of blow up any American involvment in Middle-Eastern businesses. This lead to September 11th 2001 bombing of the World Trade Towers and The Pentagon. This lead to a war against the Taliban Government in Afghanistan and tighten security from airports to schools.

    From 2002 to 2011 U.S. Congress agreed with President George W. Bush Jr. and other poor military intelligence to declare war against Iraq because dictator Saddam Hussien claims he had weapons of mass destruction and other biological chemical agents. Congress send their troops, ' Shock and Awe' the Iraqis and we find no 'smoking gun!' no chemical agents. So the War in Iraq was a blunder without any diplomatic solution and Saddam Hussien was killed.

    That's what I know about our government and history of the U.S.

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    From 1984 to 1988 U.S. Congress agreed with Texes Senator Charlie Wilson to load supplies of our military gear to Aghanistan to assist the Mujihadeen headed by Osama bin-Laden to defeat the Soviets during their invasion of their homeland. The Aghanis had our weapons and the Soviets started to retreat. The result Osama bin-Laden started his terrorist network called Al-Qaida and made plots of blow up any American involvment in Middle-Eastern businesses. This lead to September 11th 2001 bombing of the World Trade Towers and The Pentagon. This lead to a war against the Taliban Government in Afghanistan and tighten security from airports to schools.

    From 2002 to 2011 U.S. Congress agreed with President George W. Bush Jr. and other poor military intelligence to declare war against Iraq because dictator Saddam Hussien claims he had weapons of mass destruction and other biological chemical agents. Congress send their troops, ' Shock and Awe' the Iraqis and we find no 'smoking gun!' no chemical agents. So the War in Iraq was a blunder without any diplomatic solution and Saddam Hussien was killed.

    That's what I know about our government and history of the U.S.
    Dear Danny, This was supposed to be a fun post, not a launch point for your ranting manafesto. If you can't keep it fun, start your own post on the subject. While I can appreciate your first ammendment rights......try to respect the intent of the poster. Thank you!!

  7. #32


    27 of 33. Seems odd. I thought for sure that I knew more about everything than anybody on here. Maybe the test was flawed.

  8. #33


    I would love to see what a current high school kid would score on a test like this. My bet would be it would be lower than most of us.

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    I would love to see what a current high school kid would score on a test like this. My bet would be it would be lower than most of us.
    I was wondering about that and tried looking up some info about it. I ran across one article about a group of 1000 high school students [[2009 I believe) were asked basic history questions. Only 1 in 4 could name the first president of the U.S. I read a similar article a few years ago that talked about high school students naming states on a map of America. I can't remember the details but it was amazingly bad.

  10. #35


    I also looked up the questions for the test to become an American citizen. I'd have a problem with that one.

  11. #36
    lit joe Guest


    57.88 better than the over paid prosfessors.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    I would love to see what a current high school kid would score on a test like this. My bet would be it would be lower than most of us.
    you would be surprised what these kids are learning in high school now. my high school senior is taking several ap classes and government is one of them. although i started but did not finish the test, he knew the answers to the one's i wasn't sure about. my high school government class [[30 years ago) was a tough one for me.

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by old guy View Post
    I was wondering about that and tried looking up some info about it. I ran across one article about a group of 1000 high school students [[2009 I believe) were asked basic history questions. Only 1 in 4 could name the first president of the U.S. I read a similar article a few years ago that talked about high school students naming states on a map of America. I can't remember the details but it was amazingly bad.
    none of that was particularly new. I don't think civics is even required in high school anymore.

    [[when doing that "name the states" test -- where you name as many as you can in x seconds, I always get 49. I can never remember Arkansas.)

  14. #39


    Not bad for a non-US citizen!

  15. #40


    Ditto You answered 28 out of 33 correctly — 84.85 %

  16. #41


    Here's a question not on the test: who was the two-time Congressional of Medal winner who was recruited to build our own brown shirts and march them to the White House to demand that FDR step down from the Presidency? Smedley Butler. Quite a quy.

    “I spent thirty-three years and four months in active service in the country's most agile military force, the Marines. I served in all ranks from second Lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

    “I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

    “Thus I helped make Mexico, and especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the raping of half-a-dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers and Co. in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras "right" for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

    “During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel that I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate a racket in three city districts. The Marines operated on three continents.” Major General Smedley Butler [[July 30, 1881-June 21, 1940), former US Marine Corps Commandant and twice the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor in a speech delivered in 1933.

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