I changed my facebook status yesterday afternoon and immediately saw 10 of my friends sign in the next few hours. Can you imagine if everyone did that?

Here's what it said:

in a very short time, I've seen Downtown Detroit turn into an awesome place where people feel safe biking, jogging, and walking to bars. Just read the petition...it'll explain itself. I mean, when the club has to resort to offering the "Occupy Detroit" crowd restroom usage just to get signatures on their petition, c'mon. If you come down for Tiger games or Lions games or the theater or Greektown or just want to see Detroit continue to come back...
Not gonna twist any arms...but if you like the direction this party of the city is heading and don't want to see it derailed, then just do it. Seriously, Omar, you couldn't have made it a blues bar with great steak or something??

Cut off for signed petitions is going to be tomorrow afternoon. Sprint to the finish!