Quote Originally Posted by Detroitdave View Post
I know this has been covered on this site before , but I think it should be revisited .
With all the awesome Winning teams in Detroit and this being one of THE most sport friendly towns in the nation, Why isn't there a ESPN zone within walking distance of all the sport stadiums ? .. Before you all jump on me about we don't need it because we have all the other AWESOME bars , which I frequent and LOVE, I do believe in keeping Detroits money in Detroit . However , I was watching ESPN and they were broadcasting from the ESPN ZONE in LA and I visited their site and according to their site there are only 2 ESPN ZONES and both in Southern California ? they don't even have a Football team in LA , SD yeah ,and I've lived in LA ! Unless its Lakers , most people in Southern California could care less about sports UNLESS its USC or UCLA , because 99% of the people that live out their are from somewhere else and support teams from their home states .I just think and ESPN ZONE would work well here and fit in well for the tourist , without much competition to the local bars ? any thoughts ?
Frankly, the ESPN Zone in Chicago was big, expensive, and sucked. I think the concept - basically a super-sports bar - is being done all over, from Hockeytown Cafe and some of the Greektown spots now sporting massive HD televisions, etc., to the Baily's and Cicciarelli's and Champs, etc., in the 'burbs. It would be a curiosity, but I don't think it would stick.