Ah, the all-too-familiar "Bush did it, too" defense coming from President Obama's lickspittles.

Since the Left is so anxious to compare the Bush-era "Wide Receiver" with "Fast and Furious", let's take a closer look at the two "operations".

  • "Receiver" took place in Tuscon during 2006-07, "Furious" in Phoenix during 2009-10 and there is evidence of similar gun-walking "operations" taking place in 10 other cities in five states during that same time frame.
  • "Receiver" let 450 guns walk into Mexico and at least they attempted to track them once they were across the border, "Furious" let 2,000 of them "walk" and never included a tracking component.
  • "Receiver was shut down after the AFT was unable to effectively track the "walked" guns, "Furious" was shut down only after 2 of its "walked" guns were found at Brian Terry's murder scene.
  • "Receiver" apparently involved only members of the ATF bureau, "Furious" involved inter-agency cooperation between the AFT, FBI, DEA, DHS, IRS, State Department and even the White House Security Council.
  • "Receiver" was investigated and nine people are facing charges, not so with "Furious", at least so far.

In fact, the "Receiver" investigation and charges were initiated by the very same Holder Justice Dept. that apparently didn't think to also investigate whether the ATF was still continuing its "gun-walking" tactics - or lying when asked about it. Perhaps Holder's minions were too wrapped up in the "Bush's fault" mentality to question - or care - whether it could happen again on their watch. Surely, given the high level of inter-agency cooperation with "Furious", there had to be a number of folks at DoJ who "turned a blind eye" towards what was happening.

I say, name a Special Prosecutor to investigate both "Furious" and "Receiver" and get the facts out NOW! If someone has blood on their hand as a result of any of the "gun-walking" operations conducted from 2006 through 2009, they need to be brought to justice - and it's clear that Holder's Justice Dept. is not capable of doing the job.