Payroll just like other city departments is under staff. I belived that this is part of the city plan to privatize all departments. When the city lays off employees,that leaves more work for the workers that remain. They down size the work force [[employees) but the actual work still remains and has to be done. Now you throw in the mandatory furlough days [[pay cut) vacation and sick days and you can see that there is not enough manpower to get the job done in a timely manner. Next thing you hear is the media reporting PLD can't keep the street lights on,DDOT bus mechanic's are not fixing the buses,EMS and police have slow response times and city can't process payroll. Bing cripples the work force to make it seems like the city workers are incapable of doing the work and the first suggestion that comes out of everyones mouth that plays into Bings plans is privatize or outsorce the work.