Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
Yes, I agree with the apples and oranges on occupancy, but the condition of the MCD has been a decades long situation during which it has been rented out for movie sets, having kids clean it up and other temporary occupancy situations. Does anyone know how one would find out if any violations have ever been issued against the MCD?

As for going after the Packard first, I disagree. The MCD is far more highly visible blight. It is the first thing seen when entering the US from the bridge. It is located adjacent to a vibrant neighborhood. Its high profile should give it first attention, its ownership is clear and its ownership has the money.
Check with B&SE and the DAH about violations. If you have the exact address or the correct property owner, you can check with the DAH's website. I have to disagree with you about the MCD vs Packard Plant. Forget the imagery of it, the Packard Plant is a flat out more dangerous building with debris that can fall at any moment and multiple fires always happening. There have been more incidents at the Packard Plant and it stretches through a residential neighborhood. Whereas the MCD is more isolated. Of course, the DIBC is a lot easier to get in contact with than whoever is the owner of the Packard Plant.