Quote Originally Posted by RickBeall View Post
This is always a complex topic, and is a repeat of the Heidelberg Project. The complexity I am referring to is what do you do when the local people do not like what you are doing in their neighborhood? Do you say "Great art is always contraversial", and then just ride roughshod over the poor people you are allegedly trying to help? That sounds an awful lot like what city government and businesses do to poor people.

It is like they are saying, "I'm sorry, you have no rights, you have no taste, you do not even know what is in your own best interests."
At least the Heidelberg Project was Guyton's neighborhood. He had to deal with it day in and day out and was vested in the area, not just having fun at another neighborhood's expense. I don't agree with the project but he had to deal with the neighborhood everyday unlike these assholes who swoop in, have fun, feel like they've saved those poor ghetto souls and swoop home to their comfortable surroundings that would never, ever allow this stuff to happen.