Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
I wasn't being sarcastic at all. The Fire Department showed up to a fire and did nothing. Whiich appears to be in line with the new policy This certification/no one knows how to use it crap is one of the weakest excuses I've ever heard. With all the in-service training that firefighters receive, all of them should know how to operate the equipment. And I don't care if they're stuck with nothing but a bucket of water. If a person is trapped inside of a structure, you use any and everything you have at your disposal to try and save them. That's the responsibility of the job. And if someone can't accept that responsibility, then the jobs not for them. And as far as your "blood boiling", we're not talking about a POS structure, we're talking about a 3 year old child.

I'm not holding back anything on this one. The Fire Commisioner needs to be fired immediately over this. They had equipment that could have been used and they made a conscious decision to not use the equipment that would have been the most effective.

This is the first of many lawsuits to arrive.

Dumb policy all around.