Thank-you for the monthly expense breakdown, that was exactly the information I was seeking! I really appreciate all of you thoughts/post regarding the East English Village neighborhood...your a wonderful ambassador for the community at large and have been a tremdous help/source of information over the last many months, thank-you!
If I in fact end up on the far east side, it will most definitely be in EEV. You just can't beat the combination of diverse and interesting architecture, neighborhood, awesome association and price points...anywhere!

Regarding 1300 Lafayette, I came across this while perusing a website that specializes in 1300 Lafayette real estate [[Dwellings Unlimited)...under the heading of "Whats your housing syle?" COOP...
"...Financing options are typically limited to cash purchases, seller financing [[land contract) or financing with banks that provide loans for cooperatives-which is rare in this area."
Can anyone living at 1300 verify this for me? Because if true, it would make the eventual sale of a unit...especially an updated one...exceedingly difficult! Any information regarding this would be most appreciated!
