Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
"Ontario's Ministry of Environment has begun an investigation to rule out possible industrial sources causing the mysterious vibrations."

That was reported in the Windsor Star. It's very disconcerting when an investigation is being conducted to "rule out" as opposed to" discover" what's going on.
Well, it is necessary to rule out the culprits that one group was targeting for their class action lawsuit. They are the only ones getting press, at the moment.

The hum is apparently an issue down in the Salt Mines, too. Through contacts on that FB page, they've heard that workers in the mines are greatly affected by it, and the cause is definitely not them.

As far as I know, this predates the drilling for the Bridge stuff.


As much as I'd like to believe in something as simple as that...unless they chased me up to Petoskey last summer, and down to nearly Indiana last week...there is no way it could be local pranksters.

As far as I know, there are few ways to discern the direction of a tone with that low a frequency. Heck, in a home theater, the fine folks at THX say that anything in the bottom two octaves can be reproduced by a single subwoofer in a room...because we feel the pressure but cannot localize the source, because our ears are too close together.

I think it reflects off of bedrock, and that is why it is more apparent in some places. I don't know the source yet, but highly suspect something like the HAARP array or those Iridium satellites. Anything that the oil industry has used to do geological surveys from afar, perhaps. It could be an increasing Schumann Resonance, the heartbeat of the Earth. The cellular system. The AC power grid [[which is the highest likelihood, since we've proven that MK-Ultra testing had been done locally, with results similar to the effects on some people, and I know the guy who was warned off of marketing a certain feature of his power conditioner...never forget him!). Or any combination of these.
