When my friend went in there, when you first walk in, you walk over a pile of white bricks. It looks like when the facade collapsed a number of years a go, Phelps just opened the door and threw the bricks inside. To the left there is a small room with a desk. He did not look in the drawers. To the right there are stairs going upstairs. As you walk in the place looks big, and then once you clear a little alcove you realize it is twice the size it looked at first. I wonder if there is a basement. He stood there waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. The wooden beams in the ceiling looked surprisingly strong and not rotted or anything. But the ceiling tiles had all apparently "melted" away. You could not really see the floor because of debris and darkness. Little Willie John took the stage, his ghost thought it was a talent show night, and sang a few songs. My friend ran out of the building.