I'm with the others above. Blaming and scolding the victim [especially as the details are unknown, nothing is established as to whether or not the GPS was in the open, window was open or broken into etc.] is insensitive at the least and downright cold. Even if the facts were as some accuse, haven't any of you ever forgotten to stash something or lock your car? Sheesh.

The worst part of these drive-by smash-and-grab thieves is the cost of the damage they can do to a vehicle vs. the amount of money for which they can fence anything they grab.

A while back I had a catalytic converter sawed off, in broad daylight, in a highly trafficked area - Eastern Market parking llot between by Hirts and Russell St. Deli. When I Googled the fence value, it came to around $80. Cost of replacement, $500+, four hours of time spent, no car for a day. I had insurance but even my $100 deductible was more than the fence value. A TV report last night says these saw-offs take less than a minute.

So I guess that makes me guilty for not paying someone to watch my car?

Instead of venting against Claude without knowing the facts, the real wrath needs to be directed toward those who receive and pay for the stolen properties first, as they create the market, and then the street thieves.

Claude I hope some unexpected luck comes your way today. Sorry for your losses and inconvenience.