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  1. #101


    on another note...


    The Mosquito

    The Mosquito is an electronic device that is used to deter loitering by young people. It emits a sound with a very high frequency. The device was invented by Howard Stapleton in 2005, and was originally tested in Barry, South Wales. The newest version of the device, launched in 2008, has two frequency settings, one of approximately 17.4 kHz that can be heard only by young people, and another at 8 kHz that can be heard by most people. The target age demographic for the device is 13 to 25-years-old. Children have the ability to hear higher frequency sounds than adults.
    The Mosquito is sold as a small speaker that produces a high frequency sound much like the buzzing of an insect. The device is marketed as a safety and security tool for preventing youths from congregating in a specific area. In the UK, over 3,000 have been sold, mainly for use outside shops and near transport hubs. The Mosquito is also sold in Australia, France, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Canada and the USA. The device is spreading across the U.S. and Canada. It is used in many cities, municipalities, school districts and public parks. The Mosquito has attracted controversy. Critics say that the device discriminates against young people and infringes on human rights, especially if used in public location, such as a park, where teenagers are allowed to gather.
    A large collection of people have filed suit over the device. The inventor, Howard Stapleton, has asked European governments to legislate guidelines governing its use. The German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has released a report that identifies a collection of possible safety hazards with The Mosquito. Lengthy exposure can be a problem for small children and infants. It can cause the onset of dizziness, headache, nausea and mental impairment.
    The Mosquito has received support and endorsements from municipalities, school districts, property management companies, convenience stores and other organizations. A UK group called “Buzz off” is campaigning for The Mosquito to be banned. Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, has claimed that the sound is “untested and unregulated” and that it can be a “sonic weapon directed against children and young people.” In an interesting twist, there is a Teen Buzz ringtone that has been marketed. It is used by some kids to prevent teachers from hearing their ring.


  2. #102


    My opinion of "The Mosquito" is that it should be outlawed using existing noise nuisance laws. While it is an interesting and innovative way to deal with an issue, it's simply too loud, and should be covered by existing law, even though only some humans are able to hear it.

  3. #103


    I read through and edited the MindBox story...and am struck by how many things are within it that CAN be checked out...I believe I have a project for the morning. IF this rain lets up...

    The hum was particularly bad last night, and I resorted to putting in a set of Mack's Silicone Ear Plugs...and got the best night's sleep in weeks.


  4. #104


    The Mosquito is an electronic device that is used to deter loitering by young people. It emits a sound with a very high frequency.
    Kind of like the band "Queen", I'll admit the stuff that happens to me , only happens once or twice a year, but from a guy who worked with heavy machinery for a living.That's the noise I hear, heavy machinery shutting down. The only thing I can say is, I live by the Ford Engine plant in Romeo.

  5. #105


    Well, my investigation was curiously conclusive...with a twist.

    There is only ONE lot open on the block of the west side of 3 Mile south of Munich.

    The two houses south of it are abandoned now.

    I went into the backyard of the one, after scouting the area, and found a power pole with a rusty, old conduit running down the pole into the ground...but it was on the other side of the fence.

    I did not see any manhole cover, but everything was quite overgrown, and when I realized my camera battery was dead...I decided to come back home.

    Only to find a DTE service vehicle a few houses down...LOL! That was pretty funny.

    So, while I don't have the manhole access confirmed...halfway down the block, between 4381 and 4391 there is an open lot with a fence. I cannot tell if it ever had a house built upon it...and would have to go to the platte maps of at least ten to fifteen years ago to check.

    The power pole is behind 4381, and as I said...there IS a rusty conduit running down into the ground of the house behind it.

    So...thus far, the MindBox story is checking out.


  6. #106


    Too funny...now there is an ancient DTE truck across the street...they sure are busy today.

    Nobody lost power from the storm overnight, did they?!

    I'm laughing at this seeming co-incidence...

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by guito13 View Post
    I was just at the old ELF line yesterday [[SW of Marquette, in Ely township/Republic) . I have property about 1/3 mile south of one of the lines. They took everything out about 4 years ago and now its just a 150 yard wide path that goes for miles. Its starting to see some trees grow into the area now. If you want to look into such technologies read about what they are doing in Alaska now.
    Thanks for this, Guito. I am well aware of the HAARP rumors and innuendos, thanks!

    Did you know they did the same experiment in Wisconsin, too?! There was something about the makeup of the ground...possibly accessibility to bedrock. They were causing the Earth to resonate so they could communicate with deep-diving nuclear subs on the other side of the globe...but had to disassemble the projects for some reason.

    It ain't too often the military does this, but they also oddly publicly announced that the stuff was coming out of the ground...after such secrecy when it was installed. There were many years of hearing the radical environmentalists, then they went silent just before I saw those AT&T trucks every mile or so in the UP.

    How long ago WAS that grid installed?! In my memory is was the middle-to-late 80s.


  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    The power pole is behind 4381, and as I said...there IS a rusty conduit running down into the ground of the house behind it.
    Here's a Google Maps Street View of 4381 3 Mile Dr. I had the impression they were farther south, closer to Waveney St.:
    We crossed Munich St as the signal got stronger. We were almost to the next side-street when we encountered an abandoned house.
    I could be wrong.

    This is beginning to sound like a Hardy Boys mystery. Imagine climbing down the manhole and finding an 18"x18" hole in the bricks. Creepy!

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Thanks for this, Guito. I am well aware of the HAARP rumors and innuendos, thanks!

    Did you know they did the same experiment in Wisconsin, too?! There was something about the makeup of the ground...possibly accessibility to bedrock. They were causing the Earth to resonate so they could communicate with deep-diving nuclear subs on the other side of the globe...but had to disassemble the projects for some reason.

    It ain't too often the military does this, but they also oddly publicly announced that the stuff was coming out of the ground...after such secrecy when it was installed. There were many years of hearing the radical environmentalists, then they went silent just before I saw those AT&T trucks every mile or so in the UP.

    How long ago WAS that grid installed?! In my memory is was the middle-to-late 80s.

    Aye, they had a 2nd array in wisconsion. The reason they chose the sites had to do with the large amount of metals in the ground up there. I guess they helped with the transmissions of the ELF signals or something.

    I wasnt around the UP when they put it up but your timeline sounds right.

    They took down the ELF line due to "improved technologies" which I believe has something to do with the HAARP up in Alaska.

    Ill be heading up in November and if i remember I will get some pictures of where the line used to be.

  10. #110


    I went all the way down to Waveney...HAD to because both 3 Mile and Bedford are One Way streets...and that is the only open lot on the block.

    I didn't notice until your google streetview shot that there IS an apron from an old driveway at that location...the fence is a bit rusty, and I wasn't sure if it looked ten years old or not. But the apron proves there was a driveway there in the past, so again it is a confirmation.

    I DO have to get a better look at that feed down the pole, because the pole in my partner's backyard also has a downfeed...but it appears to only be a ground wire. I believe that if they ARE propogating anything in the AC grid, they'd use the Neutral leg...but I'm not sure.

    It sounds like this box needed the hot and ground for power...so there should be at least those on the downfeed.


    So, I've got to go back...this time I'll have new batteries in the ol' Olympus.


    P.S.: I always thought Nancy Drew was hot, if SHE showed up...I'd gladly welcome her help. LOL!

  11. #111


    Thanks Guito...we were posting at the same time.

    The reported Schumann resonance ROSE during that time, which was concurrent with the HAARP testing.

    The limits to that resonance, commonly referred to as the Earth's heartbeat, were SUPPOSED to be the gap between the surface and a certain layer of atmosphere...at least that was how one professor goaded his class into attempting to postulate what frequency would be supported.

    Thinking about resonance, I'm not sure putting energy into the system...as the ELF array would most certainly have to do...would alter the frequency and subsequent harmonics. It SHOULD only increase the amplitude throughout. Only an atmospheric cavity change would alter the frequency...if it collapsed slightly the wavelength supported would decrease, and thusly frequency would increase.

    Some have said that it is already above 11Hz and is rising to above 12 where very interesting things would happen. I have NO proof of any of this, and the information available on-line is contradictory at best.

    All I want to do is string out a few microphones like they did between foxholes to hear the approaching enemy...because that is reportedly how it was discovered in the first place. But we're talking rudimentory equipment, not the micro-chipped and filtered modern stuff. Most microphones and recording electronics don't reach as low as we want to measure...the octave BELOW the lowest we hear with our ears...10-20Hz.

    It gets curioser and curioser...

  12. #112


    Well, redid some learning on ELF...this article in Wikipedia is interesting.


    They DO use the ground as the transmitter...this article says they HAVE to, due the wavelengths involved.

    My mind is slowly being stretched here...

  13. #113


    Here is a decent treatise on sonic entrainment, the process I believe is being used here...but for negative results. I do NOT hear of folks having solid sleep and peaceful dreams, only fractured sleep and panic-inducing nightmares. Various frequencies can induce a variety of reactive moods.


  14. #114


    Well, it seems there IS some substantiation that the average Schumann Resonance of the Earth is rising...


  15. #115


    Starting a few years ago after we moved from Detroit to St Clair Shores, I kept hearing a very low pitched slowly pulsing hum at night that would keep me up - it was so low it almost seemed like I was feeling it as much as hearing it.

    It wasn't every night, and it didn't seem connected to if the atmosphere was right to transmit the sounds of 94 or not. I assumed at first that it was the fridge, but ruled that out after unplugging it one night to test. Cutting breakers off didn't change it at all.

    I eventually learned to live with it and am assuming is due in part to our brick foundation, which seems to transfer vibration/movement much more than other foundation types.

    FWIW, we have had to get rid of two tv's due to their high pitched buzzing driving me crazy and I regularly hear freighters in the lake and the train from inside our house at about 8 1/2 and Mack.

  16. #116

    Default My Sanity Is Confirmed

    Count me in as another who has been bothered by this "hum." The description of a diesel engine idling in the distance, with a two-stage frequency is apt. I live up near Great Lakes Crossing Mall and have heard this for several years now. It's more apparent late at night when it's very, very quiet around us.

  17. #117


    Thanks, GG.

    I was just chastised by the founder of the Facebook page for the Windsor/Essex Hum for going beyond the scope of their group! Oh well...seems they want to win some lawsuit against those on Zug Island...and don't want to learn that their problem is continent-wide! Heck, he deleted comments from someone in the UK who observes a similar sound...it may be world-wide!!

    Some folks with their limitations...never realize how they keep themselves from finding solutions and possibly even TRUTH!


  18. #118



    Thanks for the feedback...and confirmation that it IS different than those other sounds.


  19. #119


    Woke up this morning three minutes before four...came downstairs and noticed the hum was louder and more 'insistent' than usual.

    Spent some time on this computer...then remember I have an acoustic analyzer, and thought to try to measure what I was hearing. I got a surprise.

    Not only did it register significant energy in the bottom-most octave...it measured very high at the top one, too. I know I've got slight tinnitus, but that has never gotten in the way of my extraordinary high frequency perception...I can hear the shimmer of cymbals and overtones/harmonics and even the 'air' in the very best musical recordings [[played through my reference system, for those not familiar with me, I've been in the hifi business since 1981...peaking my career in 2000-1 as Technical Editor of a major national home theater magazine...and have some cool toys in my collection). I've been called a 'Golden Ear', but usually derogatorily by those who refuse to believe some of the things I can perceive.

    I wasn't ready for this device to register such a confirmation of what I was hearing and feeling...but it is most comforting to see it measured and displayed.

    At precisely three minutes to FIVE, the intensity and pitch of the tone changed...just as I was doing my measurements...so I'd say if this is a spook-induced thing, they need to adjust their clock a bit. Mine are right on to the atomic clock.

    The hum is real...I've been in dialogue with a bunch of folks from Windsor regarding their experiences with it, for some reason it is WAY stronger in certain areas there [[as reported all over the Earth, too, this is not a new phenomenon)...and except for one fellow who keeps trying to eliminate anything that gets in the way of his class action lawsuit against SOMEBODY [[he doesn't know WHO yet, and refuses the data about others outside the Widsor area who are affected by this, which is quite telling indeed!), I've found the dialogue to be encouraging and productive.

    Cheers and more on this beautiful morning...hope y'all got more sleep than I did!

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Woke up this morning three minutes before four...came downstairs and noticed the hum was louder and more 'insistent' than usual.

    Spent some time on this computer...then remember I have an acoustic analyzer, and thought to try to measure what I was hearing. I got a surprise.

    Not only did it register significant energy in the bottom-most octave...it measured very high at the top one, too. I know I've got slight tinnitus, but that has never gotten in the way of my extraordinary high frequency perception...I can hear the shimmer of cymbals and overtones/harmonics and even the 'air' in the very best musical recordings [[played through my reference system, for those not familiar with me, I've been in the hifi business since 1981...peaking my career in 2000-1 as Technical Editor of a major national home theater magazine...and have some cool toys in my collection). I've been called a 'Golden Ear', but usually derogatorily by those who refuse to believe some of the things I can perceive.

    I wasn't ready for this device to register such a confirmation of what I was hearing and feeling...but it is most comforting to see it measured and displayed.

    At precisely three minutes to FIVE, the intensity and pitch of the tone changed...just as I was doing my measurements...so I'd say if this is a spook-induced thing, they need to adjust their clock a bit. Mine are right on to the atomic clock.

    The hum is real...I've been in dialogue with a bunch of folks from Windsor regarding their experiences with it, for some reason it is WAY stronger in certain areas there [[as reported all over the Earth, too, this is not a new phenomenon)...and except for one fellow who keeps trying to eliminate anything that gets in the way of his class action lawsuit against SOMEBODY [[he doesn't know WHO yet, and refuses the data about others outside the Widsor area who are affected by this, which is quite telling indeed!), I've found the dialogue to be encouraging and productive.

    Cheers and more on this beautiful morning...hope y'all got more sleep than I did!
    I was also awakened by the hum. It was unusually bothersome last night. I slept a total of about two hours because I was in and out of sleep. This was in Dearborn. Also, for the last few nights I have slept but I have felt incredibly tired upon waking. I have also been feeling unusually depressed, and I wouldn't be surprised if this hum had something to do with it.

  21. #121


    We had our windows open again, and before getting to sleep [[rather early, my honey had to leave for the airport before 6:30) I noticed the hum was pretty much in harmony with the relative bedlam ruckus we were hearing from a few blocks away.

    The city was buzzing last night, and I'm sure I heard a high-speed chase around 9:00...roaring engine followed by a bunch of sirens, then more sirens twenty minutes later...and the sound was kinda eerie.

    The Full Moon is supposed to affect everyone a few days before and after its full exposure...so perhaps there is some correlation between the chaos and the hum. I will not claim any cause/effect, though.


  22. #122


    I just realized this thread has over 4200 hits...OMG.

  23. #123


    Here is a measurement I took this morning in my partner's kitchen in Grosse Pointe Park, at 4:30 after being awoken by this hum.

    Name:  42dB 1dB increment SHOWS CLEAR EVIDENCE reduced.jpg
Views: 1666
Size:  51.6 KB

    It shows VERY CLEARLY extraordinary energy just outside the range of normal human hearing. Those slopes are linear, and surely extend well beyond the limits of the measuring device.

    There is NO QUESTION that we're onto something here...go ahead, doubters, you've got more faith than me.


  24. #124


    From the windsor star today: The Hum is Real

    Windsor has scientists working on the issue.


  25. #125


    I'm sure it really pissed 'em off to learn it wasn't Zug Island...some of those folks are sue-happy. They really think they've got a class-action to profit off of...sigh.

    One fellow keeps editing the Facebook page, seemingly when anyone else wants to chime in with evidences of the hum anywhere else on the Earth!

    There have been people more diligent that us tracking this for many, many years.

    It is one mystery I'd love to solve, though.


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