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  1. #26
    lilpup Guest


    All the phantom paychecks and ineligible medical insurance recipients certainly weren't on the friends and family plan.

    And none of what you say changes the fact that you're just more people trying to suck blood from turnips!

  2. #27


    You're right. I'll work for free because I don't deserve a paycheck. But, I am pretty sure that someone of some authority was dipping their hands into the phantom paychecks and med insurance. Normal teachers don't get that perk in their severence package. I still don't see how a dead person can be at fault for collecting a paycheck. I am willing to bet that it was someone downtown who was at the helm of that ship. But nevermind, I am just going to donate all of my time to DPS because I am a scrub who doesn't deserve to earn a living. Hey...I think perhaps I'll go on welfare [[and just quit my job altogether) and then YOU can support me while I do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by lilpup View Post
    All the phantom paychecks and ineligible medical insurance recipients certainly weren't on the friends and family plan.

    And none of what you say changes the fact that you're just more people trying to suck blood from turnips!
    Last edited by DetroitTeacher; July-30-11 at 06:54 PM.

  3. #28


    Jay Gould, late career said
    I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half.

  4. #29


    Well stated DT.... Thank you for pointing out that teachers are not the only 'public' employees and other compelling comments you made. But for those who broadly paint all teachers as corrupt, lazy, overpaid etc. there's little changing of that point of view.
    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitTeacher View Post
    Just remember that when your house is on fire but there aren't any firefighters to put it out because they all left for more lucrative positions...they are part of the public employees of which you speak. So are the cops, folks who pick up your garbage, EMS folks...teachers are just the people who are educating those who will be supporting us [[and the politicians who will be making decisions about us) when we get old. I just hope that this generation of kids [[and those of future generations) don't say F.U., where were you when we needed an education?...
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-30-11 at 08:57 PM.

  5. #30


    Yep, the public employee and other sectors of employment need to watch the out workings of this carefully.
    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Are you serious? You should have an interest in this fight, unless you're independently wealthy.

  6. #31


    Right! The 'race to the bottom' is not going to be as 'selective' and discriminating as many think it will be.... public employees today, tomorrow....?
    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    ...This is just one front in the beginning of our race to the bottom. For in late-stage capitalism, there is no such thing as a fair wage. Everyone -- and I do mean everyone except for the heads of multinational corporations -- is seen as being underworked and overpaid. But if you compare every single career to its counterparts in comparable nations, we work far more and just don't have the quality of life that people in other industrialized nations do. And we *still* are made to feel badly about ourselves, as if working 50 weeks, 60-80 hours per week still makes you a lazy slob.

  7. #32


    I know, but it's worth a try. I wish that all naysayers could come in and see what I do each week [[and come home with me to see what I do on "my" time). It's not all cool whip and strawberry shortcake. If things are going to change in education, we need a society that values it, above all else. We don't have that right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Well stated DT.... Thank you for pointing out that teachers are not the only 'public' employees and other compelling comments you made. But for those who broadly paint all teachers as corrupt, lazy, overpaid etc. there's little changing of that point of view.

  8. #33


    -----Hah! You are the 'only' one, the rest of the teachers are just corrupt, lazy, overpaid bums! JUST JOKING!!!

    Yes, the 'prep', recovery, assessment time etc. for teaching and training at the high school, college or corporate level is incredible. But that time and other layers of work involved is only meaningful those who believe that there are honest, hard working teachers and trainers in the first place!

    It seems that the default position for some is that most teachers are corrupt and slackers, on the dole as it were.... Hang in there!
    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitTeacher View Post
    I know, but it's worth a try. I wish that all naysayers could come in and see what I do each week [[and come home with me to see what I do on "my" time). It's not all cool whip and strawberry shortcake. If things are going to change in education, we need a society that values it, above all else. We don't have that right now.
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-30-11 at 09:27 PM.

  9. #34


    Muchas Gracias I'm hanging in there for my kids. They deserve more than untrained people who use DPS as a stepping stone to something better [[thinking of Teach for America).

  10. #35


    These cut programs don't work unless they cut from the top to show sincerity and commitment. Are the Board salaries being cut? What about the rest of upper management? Did the EFM cut his own salary? Those should all be cut by a larger percentage than the classroom teachers.

  11. #36


    Yes, the EFM took a 10% cut, as well. He also won't be taking any "donations" for his salary like Bobb did. I applaud him for that! He also got rid of everyone that Bobb brought in on the friends and family plan [[yes he did do that). Roberts has cut EVERYONE, from the top to DFT, 10%. Those who are working hourly, he didn't cut [[and rightly so, they don't make squat now). I just want it known that NEVER did I complain about the 10%. I know we're [[as a collective whole, in this region) going through tough times and everyone needs to cut back. I'm just tired of everyone blaming teachers for the downturn of education and society when there needs to be a closer look at those who are running the show.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    These cut programs don't work unless they cut from the top to show sincerity and commitment. Are the Board salaries being cut? What about the rest of upper management? Did the EFM cut his own salary? Those should all be cut by a larger percentage than the classroom teachers.

  12. #37


    Thanks I really don't like turnips, so I wouldn't be caught dead trying to suck anything from them [[my lame attempt at a joke). I think I probably "donate" more of my disposable cash back to my kids in the way of supplies and other things than I keep for myself. I really don't know any other profession where people do this [[as a large group) on thier own. Most teachers dig into their pockets if it benefits the kids. We'd just rather see it go directly to the kids as opposed to lining the pockets of the admin, so maybe that's why we complain when we take pay cuts and such. With this cut, I just won't be able to give directly to the kids in my classroom as much since admin is sucking it from me [[talk about getting blood from a turnip).

    Quote Originally Posted by Neilr View Post
    I tried, I really did, but I just can't conjure up an image of DetroitTeacher trying to suck blood from a turnip. You lost me on that one, sorry.

  13. #38


    If YOUR employer didn't have any money to pay you [[which has been said before about DPS about 3 days before payday), would YOU work for free? I think not. Why should you expect me to work for free? It would behoove me to ride the layoff train and collect unemployment/welfare and not do a damned thing but sit on my butt all day, as opposed to working for next to nothing. That just isn't in my nature. I like what I do and I will fight for my job and a liveable wage. If not, I need to take my skills and move out of state where I can find a decent salary [[because I can work elsewhere and make more money than I do in DPS). That isn't helping the economy here any. I'm trying to ride it out until I just can't live on what they give me in DPS.

    Quote Originally Posted by lilpup View Post
    All the phantom paychecks and ineligible medical insurance recipients certainly weren't on the friends and family plan.

    And none of what you say changes the fact that you're just more people trying to suck blood from turnips!

  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitTeacher View Post
    Yes, the EFM took a 10% cut, as well. He also won't be taking any "donations" for his salary like Bobb did. I applaud him for that! He also got rid of everyone that Bobb brought in on the friends and family plan [[yes he did do that). Roberts has cut EVERYONE, from the top to DFT, 10%.
    Well, that's a start, but I still think the top tier should have been cut at least double that.

  15. #40


    Roberts really did away with folks who were making more than those who were there Before Bobb [[BB). There were some who were making 20 grand a MONTH, who came in with Bobb. Roberts fired them all and is starting over with those positions [[if he decides they need to be filled). There was an article in the paper about this not long ago [[but teachers knew this long before it broke in the paper). Roberts really is trying, I think. Only time will tell if he's doing what's right and not what's right for himself and his cronies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Well, that's a start, but I still think the top tier should have been cut at least double that.

  16. #41


    Good thing that Roberts is getting rid of the BB high paid DPS 'saviors' um' I mean 'consultants' and other flotsam members of enterouge...
    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitTeacher View Post
    Roberts really did away with folks who were making more than those who were there Before Bobb [[BB). There were some who were making 20 grand a MONTH, who came in with Bobb. Roberts fired them all and is starting over with those positions [[if he decides they need to be filled). There was an article in the paper about this not long ago [[but teachers knew this long before it broke in the paper). Roberts really is trying, I think. Only time will tell if he's doing what's right and not what's right for himself and his cronies.

  17. #42


    Bobbs "friends and family plan"? Say it ain't, or shall I say 'was not so'!

    Well he was in the rignt town for that hustle... maybe he talked to Kwame Kilpartrick for detailed F&FP strategies. LOL!
    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitTeacher View Post
    Yes, the EFM took a 10% cut, as well. He also won't be taking any "donations" for his salary like Bobb did. I applaud him for that! He also got rid of everyone that Bobb brought in on the friends and family plan [[yes he did do that). Roberts has cut EVERYONE, from the top to DFT, 10%.....

  18. #43


    Tis/Twas, indeed, so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Bobbs "friends and family plan"? Say it ain't, or shall I say 'was not so'!

    Well he was in the rignt town for that hustle... maybe he talked to Kwame Kilpartrick for detailed F&FP strategies. LOL!

  19. #44
    lilpup Guest


    I *never* said you should work for free but you should be grateful you're only getting a 10% pay cut.

  20. #45


    Hey DetroitTeacher look at it this way.

    While I don't like this race to the bottom in America as much as the next person and this critique of people earning a middle class income as they are earning too much especially while ignoring the fact the top people make millions and that doesn't even bat an eye to the very same people. But this is why I believe there is so much resistance to your salary.

    The average salary in the United States is around $39,000 a year. The top 20% make half the income in the country. That means that the bottom 80% make an average of just over $19,000 a year and they do have meager benefits. Those figures are before taxes.

    80% of working Americans make just over $19,000 a year before taxes. Just remember that.

    You are asking people to sympathize with your plight. Most people earn way way way less than you and have crap benefits.

    So while I understand you work hard for your money, at least you have a decent income and great benefits. You may not think so but compared to the bottom 80% of America you do. This 80% pays taxes to pay your salary and benefits.

    Case in point me. I work 6 or 7 days a week in two big box retail stores. What did I clear last year before taxes? $23,000 with no pension and let me tell you about my healthcare benefits.

    You know someone has to dig the ditches so to speak. That's me!

    I just had a hernia operation about 5 days ago. The total bill will be about $8000. My insurance I just maxed out, this is the only time I used it this year, because it has a $1250 outpatient limit a year. The outpatient is the actual healthcare related services. I am now only left with in patient of $8700 to cover one night in a hospital for the rest of the year. This $8700 does not cover any healthcare related stuff just the nights stay as I just used my healthcare benefits in the outpatient hernia operation. So in effect I have no more healthcare for the rest of the year.

    I will be out of work for 2-4 weeks, I have to do some lifting at work. I don't get paid sick days like you do. Btw. do I have a pension? LOL.

    So while I understand you have it rough the bottom 80% of America has it far worse than you. And the bottom 80% contributes to your salary and benefits. How much more do you want from us?

    Like I said I don't like this race to the bottom here in this country but it is what it is, I have no control over it. I do agree the wrong people's jobs are being attacked but understand where it comes from - the vast majority of people who earn way less than you and have way worse benefits than you do.
    Last edited by runnerXT; July-31-11 at 06:23 PM.

  21. #46


    Here is what I said on another thread a few days ago: Please stop thinking that I am not grateful because I am.

    DetroitTeacher I got my letter a few days ago...will be back in my same position. I'm just thankful I have a job, even with the concessions and higher cost of benefits. At least they are doing away with the TIP deduction so I'll be coming out just under what I am bringing home now.

  22. #47


    I worked my ass off for my advanced degrees. I also had shit jobs [[more than one at the same time) while working my way through school, raising a kid on my own AND attending classes. I had no health coverage, no pension, no anything except my shit jobs making minimum wage. I also had to pay for daycare for my son and received zero in child support. While I do feel for folks doing what I did, I pulled my panties up and got on with my life and made a better life for my son and myself that would give me healthcare, a pension [[of which I pay into dearly), and sick days. I also wanted something that would help me pay a house payment and my auto insurance [[as well as feed and clothe my child...by the time I became a teacher, he was 10 and eating me out of house and home and had left me with a hefty health care bill that I had to pay). Please don't lecture me on working hard and having nothing. I have been there and will do what I have to do to not be there ever again. It is what you make of it. I've never been on public assistance of any kind and did this all on my own. I made a decision a long time ago to earn a better living and be able to provide for my child. If I have to move out of state to utilize my education and skills, then so be it. I'll do what I need to do. Everyone else has that same choice. I don't complain about my pay until someone tells me that I don't know what it's like out in the wild world. I then try to explain to them what I do to earn my paycheck.

    Quote Originally Posted by runnerXT View Post
    Hey DetroitTeacher look at it this way.

    While I don't like this race to the bottom in America as much as the next person and this critique of people earning a middle class income as they are earning too much especially while ignoring the fact the top people make millions and that doesn't even bat an eye to the very same people. But this is why I believe there is so much resistance to your salary.

    The average salary in the United States is around $39,000 a year. The top 20% make half the income in the country. That means that the bottom 80% make an average of just over $19,000 a year and they do have meager benefits. Those figures are before taxes.

    80% of working Americans make just over $19,000 a year before taxes. Just remember that.

    You are asking people to sympathize with your plight. Most people earn way way way less than you and have crap benefits.

    So while I understand you work hard for your money, at least you have a decent income and great benefits. You may not think so but compared to the bottom 80% of America you do. This 80% pays taxes to pay your salary and benefits.

    Case in point me. I work 6 or 7 days a week in two big box retail stores. What did I clear last year before taxes? $23,000 with no pension and let me tell you about my healthcare benefits.

    You know someone has to dig the ditches so to speak. That's me!

    I just had a hernia operation about 5 days ago. The total bill will be about $8000. My insurance I just maxed out, this is the only time I used it this year, because it has a $1250 outpatient limit a year. The outpatient is the actual healthcare related services. I am now only left with in patient of $8700 to cover one night in a hospital for the rest of the year. This $8700 does not cover any healthcare related stuff just the nights stay as I just used my healthcare benefits in the outpatient hernia operation. So in effect I have no more healthcare for the rest of the year.

    I will be out of work for 2-4 weeks, I have to do some lifting at work. I don't get paid sick days like you do. Btw. do I have a pension? LOL.

    So while I understand you have it rough the bottom 80% of America has it far worse than you. And the bottom 80% contributes to your salary and benefits. How much more do you want from us?

    Like I said I don't like this race to the bottom here in this country but it is what it is, I have no control over it. I do agree the wrong people's jobs are being attacked but understand where it comes from - the vast majority of people who earn way less than you and have way worse benefits than you do.

  23. #48
    lilpup Guest


    In other words: FU I got mine! Oh, and by the way, GIMME MORE OF YOURS!
    Last edited by lilpup; July-31-11 at 08:04 PM.

  24. #49


    I guess that is what I am saying, except that I am trying to help others get theirs [[my kids/students). Don't have any to give because I give to my kids [[students).

    <sigh> I give up.

  25. #50
    lilpup Guest


    Teachers' unions shouldn't be negotiating wages & benefits. They should be fighting to get input and some power on management oversight, maybe establish some joint committee for issues and some place to drop dimes on problems. Stop all the bs back and forth finger pointing between staff and management.

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