"GPs and other places, made choices on how they want to tax themselves and what services they want to provide, what right do those outside the municipality have to those services?"

Thank you. It is painful to read commentary from people with obvious "issues" they need to address, possibly in therapy. This is not a race war. Grosse Pointe is not what it was like in the 1950s- no one is keeping anyone out. The simple fact is that most of us, the young families who have moved to that area, did so specifically for the schools. We pay extra taxes to maintain these schools and put in hours of volunteer time to help keep them successful. Why exactly should our extra taxes go towards out-of-district kids? If you want to be in the schools then rent or do what we did- buy a very small house in a modest neighborhood. There are so many vacancies right now and we would love to have new neighbors.