Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
Sheer demography means that this is inevitable everywhere. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but middle class and/or educated women of all races are NOT procreating. If and when they [[well, we) do, it tends to be later in life and usually only 1, perhaps 2 kids. That isn't even anywhere near the replacement rate.

Those who are having 2-3 or more kids tend to be less wealthy, people of color, those who are very religious [[who don't send their kids to public schools anyway), and/or those with fewer resources. Do the math. What do you expect to happen, seriously? In 25 years it will be difficult to maintain de facto segregated public schooling. If you don't want your grandkids to attend classes with poorer children, or children of color, you will have two options: private or homeschooling.

We have been discussing these trends for as long as I've been in education. So I am loving the comments from conservatives who are suddenly defending teachers. They loved educational reform as long as it was about poor stupid black and brown kids and their lazy teachers in crumbling inner-city schools. Now that Snyder is proposing that we provide more options across district lines for kids in "failing" school districts, people who voted for the Tough Nerd are changing their tune. It is hilarious!
Those communities that have chosen and voted to raise their own taxes in order to invest in education in their community should be able to also determine whether they want to be a school of choice. As you say "more options across district lines", I say there are enough communities already that have chosen to be school of choice. Why force it on the others? Plus, there was a good point already made about what something like this will likely mean for the future of DPS.