Quote Originally Posted by Priv View Post
Hi everyone I have been doing some research about moving to Downtown Detroit and have been coming across alot of mixed feelings about the area and varying opinions I figured I would register here and get some opinions on the area and if Detroit would be a potentially good location to move to.

I have been looking for a nice loft/apartment to rent out of specifically Merchants Row The Kales Building etc.. although these places all seem rather nice I am concered that living in Downtown Detroit itself will become something I regret in the long run.

I currently live in Downtown Cleveland so I am used to living in an urban area and really have very little interest in living in the suburbs at this time. My job allows me to travel between a few states so it leaves me with the flexibility to either stay put relocate to Michigan or PA.

Right now my biggest concern is a lack of any real entertainment or social opportunities. I'm 25 and white and pretty much everyone I know who either lives in Michigan or has stayed in the city for extended periods of time has labled it a rather racist community.

Now I'm not saying I expect to be mugged on my way home for simply being white or being spit on but I'm wondering how hard its going to be in that area to socialize make friends and go out and have a good time and party.

In my few experiences staying in Downtown it seems like there in not all cases but many seems to be a direct resentment towards upper middle class whites in the city and although I totally get it that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to pay 1100 a month rent to deal with it on a daily basis.

I realize Detroit isn't exactly Miami but living in Downtown Cleveland I genuinely feel these types of cities are what you make of it I'm simply trying to get an idea on what type of entertainment Detroit offers outside of Greektown Nightclubs etc. and if its a friendly place for a young white male to even reside.
There is definitely a community of young people, especially in the greater downtown area. A rather large community. Today the Forestrival Detroit in Corktown -
I don't know if you can see it, but it appears to be basically a free music festival in the park. About 400 of the people you speak of are attending, according to my facebook.
If you're okay with downtown Cleveland, you're okay with downtown Detroit.
Standing out racially is absolutely not a concern. Greater downtown is very diverse. Now, if you decided to buy or rent a house or hang out in the thick 'hood, you might find some confused people.
Mostly nobody gives a shit. They have their own stuff to worry about. Nobody really cares what race you are.