It's both. In case you forget, ours is a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. We are the government. It acts at our will. If we are ignoring a problem, so will the government. RE: Homeless peope, our tendency lo, these many generations, has been to look the other way and hope these people will find a way on their own "like we do."

It is obvious Sumas' friend is a smart learner, but he must have some serious issues if he cannot find his own shelter. One problem with the situation where we might bring our collective ability to bear is the need for an address. It is hard to find anything without a stable contact address for replies. Looking for work? What kind of job can you find where you just walk in and start working without need to provide an address for the company to provide to the various tax entities? Where can you even apply where the employer does not need contact info to notify you if you are hired? You can't apply for income or food assistance without an address. You might not have transportation or a phone to get around and make applications for things you need. That could be a good cost effective starting point. We have a voice, where they do not. If we care, it is up to us to keep our government's shoulder to the wheel.