Quote Originally Posted by bartock View Post
I don't think this has any affect on Snyder's credibility.

As for the female thing, the problem that I have with several of the sound bites put forth in this thread is that Mr. Henderson noted that, as of now, no one has accused anyone else of a more than plutonic involvement between Bing and Dumas. I agree with most of what R8RBOB says and what Mr. Henderson said about Dumas. It appears that they were/are in over their heads. The Kwame comparison goes directly to a character issue that doesn't appear to exist.
The effect I see this having on Snyder's credibility is that the media is going to press him for information and details on what he and Bing did agree to. Right now, Snyder's Rep and Robert Bobb are pulling a Kwame and making statements in response to what has been put out while not directly addressing them. Such as Bobb stating that he never met with Bing about the issue. Which doesn't answer the question of whether he ever met with a Rep for Bing over the issue. In Snyder's case, his Rep stated that, while talked about, the idea of giving direct control to Bing over DPS was turned down. But, when given some thought, it doesn't directly answer if Kirk Lewis was the indirect way of giving Bing control of DPS.

There are a lot of State Reps and Senators that voted for the new EFM legislation based upon information that was provided by Snyder and Bing in tandem. If all of that work was altered based upon Dumas running the Mayor, it messes with Bing's credibility because it makes him appear weak and ineffectual and it messes with Snyder's credibility because it signals a lack of follow through on his part to let the deal unravel. To the State Reps and Senators, it was Snyder's responsibility to see things through on the state's end.

For example, Governor Grnaholm suffered credibility issues when she couldn't deliver on the billionaire that wanted to give 250 million to Detroit schools and Ken Cockrel's credibility suffered greatly when he couldn't deliver the Cobo deal after promising the Reps and Senators that he could.

Not delivering for your constituency is one thing. Not delivering for those that you make deals with, whether it's above board or under the table, is something else. So whereas Snyders credibility with the general public may not take too much of a hit, his credibility with the backroom deal making crowd will.