Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
The constant re-cycling of appointees: Charlie Beckham, Anthony Adams, Conrad Mallett, Jr. Of course, Karen Dumas is re-cycled, as well. These guys all need jobs and some high up donor speaks up for them
and so they get re-cycled. No room for new blood. And, of course, appointees must be black, so that limits the pool right there.
I most approve of having new people from out of town. Hopefully they wouldn't have family & friends here who need jobs & money. Also, they wouldn't be infected with the malaise of "how we do it here."
Or as Dave Bing referred to the same names coming up again as he first campained "retreads".

And for anyone that thinks Detroiters can't go for an outsider, look no further than Toboccman, Tlaib, and even Bing himself to prove that theory wrong. In fact, Detroiters are more prone to give someone that's considered an outsider a shot just as well, if not moreso, than someone that's considered and insider.