As a first it is a righteous thing to do but as a matter of principle I would never appoint a sexist and a racist to the highest court in the land but then agsain, I'm just a "typical white person".?
no, you sound like a typical druggie limbaugh parrot with no understanding of the real world

No, sorry. It seems like this whole election has been carefully crafted as a racial thing coming from the left.
now you simply sound like a paranoid, racist fool

Every damn day its been about white this, black that, hispanic this,asian that etc etc etc.
know you just sound more and more moronic

Talk about wearing out the race card liberals. You have made this entire thing about race and at every turn took a shot at calling people racist who disagreed with you.
At least you pulled back your dog Sharpton from crying wolf every 5 secs of every damn day...
your racism is now screaming from the pages. you are using every bit of racist code language right out of the druggie and rove playbook

But obviously the question of her racism and sexism is too much for you to actually elaborate on therefore you answer me back with a racist undertoned statement.
I've heard many things about her, but where are you getting this racist/sexist bullshit?