Quote Originally Posted by esp1986 View Post
You would think that the business people would want it to be efficient, reliable and somewhat faster, but they're the ones that want it to be curbside. You just know that some crackhead will park his car on the curbside tracks and hold the line up for a few hours. WTF?!
It is true at the beginning the business leaders wanted the train to go curbside which I had thought that it was a bad idea at the time for the reasons as you had stated. I think one or two of those who are in the business community had changed their position on what part of the street the train would run. The plan for light rail up woodward had been discussed years before Karmanos, Penske, and the rest had decided to try to put their resources together to start a system. Face it. There are other elements besides the business community who don't want to see light rail in Detroit become reality. Anyone could be paid to gran stand on behalf of lightrail but behind the scene conspire to stop it from happening. That anybody doesn't always have to been elected official eventhough I would not be surprise if one or two was part of that conspiracy