Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyFreddy View Post
I agree with your statement 1KielsonDrive wholeheartedly, and up the ante by
saying , That problem and solution could also be compounded by forcing these
businesses [[in my neighborhood in Detroit) and also, maybe more especially,
the neighborhood Gas Stations, being hang outs for beggars, shady characters,
and credit card frauds...but even the owners' overall concern for the appearance
of their establishments. It's as if they have no invested interest in the neighborhood, but are only interested in the money they can walk away with from
the people who are keeping their doors open...the customers.
Now, if some sort of incentive can be put forth, to secure their assurance that
the untoward element can be kept from their customer base...that could go a long
way to improving, not only their business, but the surrounding neighborhood
as well.
Now granted, there is something to be said for the mantra of, "If you place people
within a bubble of false idyllic, by removing any alarming element at these public
scenarios....when any isolated incident does befall them, their guard will not be
up, therefor creating a more traumatizing event when it does happen."
...In other words, Detroit being a large Urban area, perhaps an obvious threat,
directly in their eyes, as opposed to a false sense of security, is better, to
keep the customers [[us) on our toes, and therefore....protected?
Of course, I would much prefer if the element of danger were not present, but,
the reality is....it is.
I guess my point [[or one of them any way)...is, It would be nice if these Gas Stations didn't look like they belonged in a 'Third World' country, rather than
where decent people live, and frequent their establishment...like where I live,
in an historic neighborhood, where college students, and teachers with families,
and LOTS of young people....live, and try to conduct themselves like human beings, rather than desperate animals, with no other options than to rob, and steal, and take and ruin. These establishments need to invest in the areas
where they make their living, so the neighborhood where they are located, can
benefit from their presence, rather than their presence being a reason for
blight and crime and misery.

This post is spot on! Most of the gas stations in Detroit are filthy and run down. These business owners should be forced to keep them clean and in good repair but they aren't. They clearly don't care what their property looks like and that right there is a good indication of how they feel about the people in the neighborhood that they serve.