Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
That would presuppose a drawing of the district lines so that the poor, poorly educated, and civically disengaged don't continue to make up the majority of the pool. There are far too many invested in keeping that population in the majority for it ever to happen.
And far too many too timid to share power to force a majority.

It's frustrating to have a conversation that, probably, is just a stream of rationalizations rather than any serious evaluation of a proposal.

The central city need services, infrastructure and investment.

"Oh, they just want my money."

OK, how about if you get a say in how the city is run?

"Oh, now they want to rope me in with them. I won't do it."

How about if we have an area-wide metropolitan government to ensure a vibrant city, quality suburban environments and pare down the oversprawl?

"It would never work."

We can come up with as many good, sound ideas as we want, but we always hear the same rationalizations. So I posit that there is something distinctly IRRATIONAL behind all these rationalizations. Call it racism. Call it fear. Whatever it is, it's sending us down the drain. And these rationalizations will be on our collective tombstone unless something changes ...