Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
I'm all for ending all corporate subsidies even though that would increase the price of fuel. The Obama administration is also beginning to also look at the idea of a mileage tax that would somehow get paid when purchasing fuel. This idea is not yet being seriously considered but is being looked at.

Obama floats plan to tax cars by the mile
Let's see here.......I commute about 80 miles, round trip, to my business and back. I was commuting more than that to the jobs that were available to me before the economy was sabotaged by multi-national corporations. I chose to 'risk' or 'gamble', if you'd care to call it that, in a business to gain a job, invest in my community, provide myself a job and maybe benefits at some date in the future. The money I risked came from my retirement and is actually a stimulus investment. So, I should be penalized for all of this because I commute as much as or more than........how many miles? If a bus or train was available, I'd take it, at least occasionally. But, the same politicians that are taking everything else away from us, the working class, have chosen not to invest in transit. I'm curious where the 'Change' is in this equation.