In the winter, EM sellers do buy cases of produce at the terminal and re-package it in smaller quatities to sell for the people who don't want to buy a case.

Of course, I would love to see some local spinach grown by farmers in their hothouses for sale in the dead of winter - but I can understand that it would be so expensive to produce and in such relatively small quantity that and it just would not be valuable for the farmer to then bring his small store of expensive spinach the Market and pay stall rent for a minimum of three months to sell it.

In the winter, some farmers are selling their own over-wintered root vegetables: carrots,parsnip, etc.Then in March, when its less expensive to heat a hothouse, local spinach and rhubarb come. Then comes egg-laying season and the first colorful eggs of the young layers. Westborn and Randazzo are wonderful , but those stores blur the seasons. EM celebrates the ebb and flow of season and weather.

It is overall, a great disservice to the Market to dismiss the marketplace of farmers and produce re-sellers as a second-rate scam.