Quote Originally Posted by Homer View Post
I would have done the same thing. Wouldn't you? If the Tax folks make a mistake it's time to rejoice. But then again I am not a public figure.
No, because once the city government figures it out, you not only owe the back-taxes, but you also potentially owe interest and penalties. It's much like filing an incorrect tax return; ignorance is no excuse, and eventually it catches up with you.

You'd have to be a complete fool to legitimately think your taxes were $68 when your neighbors' were $2,000 - $6,500. What does it say about your integrity as a public figure when you actively cheat the city of the people you represent? More importantly, what does it say about the city that she's gotten away with it for so long?

This is the reason people need to keep buying papers and supporting M.L. Elrick and company. People need to know this stuff.