Watson is a dolt and counterproductive to virtually everything. I live west of Beech Daly and think it's a good idea and many people I've talked to over the years also think it's a great idea but falls short of where we should go-a three county consolidation. Charlotte, Nashville, Jacksonville, Tuscon, Toronto, Louisville etc. and so on. All these areas have smaller CBDs in adsition to a major downtown. We have to go this way. Shortly Grand Rapids will and their population will 545 thousand. Kalamazoo will follow, maybe Jackson and Saginaw. The fears that people have with regard to race, crime, petty fiefdoms, class disparity accross the region will not go away, they will only slowly and methodically eat us up the way they have eaten us up for the past 50 years. We have to think big. We are all in this together.