First of all, yes, if they were so concerned with 'green space' for 'The Children'
....why didn't they make improvements to Cass Park, directly across the street
from the school ? That Park needs LOTS of improvements, and would also
spark interest in trying to save Masonic Temple, and the whole area, there
in that neighborhood. Something tells me a big "Hold" is taking place, so certain
'entities' can clear the way for THEIR interests, not any students, or residents.
"Not Yet".
Secondly, Why is it that every single project started, or even just planned, in this
City......just HAS to include "Low-Income" Housing.
Why is it that everything new or improved, has to include the low-income or poor.
They're rebuilding by MLK Blvd./Lodge. All low-income. They're throwing all kinds of low-income deals at the public, in the 'Motown' Woodbridge Farms neighborhood. In the new neighborhood at Rosa Parks Blvd., and Gd. River,
on the other side of Woodbridge. Why do I, and so many of my neighbors, who
have invested many years, and much money, in our homes in these neighborhoods, have to endure even MORE low-income housing being built
all around our communities. Is this just some 'Grand Experiment', or are we being
tested, like Job? With our property values continuing to decline because of the
economical help coming OUR WAY, regarding breaks in OUR
Mortgage difficulties, leaving many buyers stranded with no foreseeable solutions.
Or is this some sort of punishment for our diligence as caring, responsible,
fine stewards of our neighborhoods, and a sort of 'Jealous Payback' is being
dolled out to us, so we will be inundated with crime, and litter, and hobo's, and
alcoholic loafers/ ne'er-do-wells. Look at Indian Village. Completely surrounded by lower-income neighborhoods, and 'Attacked'...constantly by idiots and blight.
Low-income housing, and it's butt-ugly architecture, will be the ruination of Detroit.