Quote Originally Posted by rjk View Post
Would a metal detector be able to find a German Luger in an attack? My father sent home a GL from the war and it's supposedly in his attack under one of the floor boards which have a lot of nails in them.

If the answer to the above question is yes, how much money would it cost me to rent one?
Thanks for any help.
Depending on the construction of the house you should be able to use a metal detector to find the Luger. You would need to run the detector in all metal and turn the sensitivity setting down just about all the way. Otherwise it would pick up every nail in the floor, and with a normal sensitivity setting it would also pick up electrical interference from the wiring. The detector may sound off to other large pieces of iron/steel, so a good signal is not necessarily going to be the pistol.

I'm not sure about renting one, but my suggestion would be to post an ad on Craigslist. Someone experienced with a metal detector would have a much better chance of finding the gun, and would be better able to tell the difference between the gun and nails. Many detectorists would jump on the chance to do a recovery like that. I'd offer to help, but after re-insulating my attic last year I have zero desire to crawl around another. =)