Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPole View Post
Now I've never been to said theatre, but from what you folks describe, geeze, what a far cry from today's mega-plexes. I've been to one mega movie theatre, a small one by today's standards, to see the King's Speech, in the past 5 years, and what a painful experience.

Contrast that to say, the DFT, where I go about once a month, where you can actually relax and sit down and have a drink before going to a theatre with ONE SCREEN in as opposed to the cattle call and seas of parking lots today's theatres are.

This is progress? Is it just me or is everything shit?
No, everything is shit. Compared to the Zenith of western civilization [[which the Quo Vadis was a symbol of.) Now the "adults" pretty much have the same entertainment as the children. Someone wrote a book called " The Death of the Adult"